TF-IDF stands for Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency. It's a way to measure how important a word is in a specific page compared to all other pages.

  • Term Frequency (TF): How often a word appears in a page.

  • Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): How rare or unique that word is across many pages.

In SEO, TF-IDF helps decide which words to focus on for content optimization. It helps you understand if a keyword is overused or underused compared to other websites.


  • If the word "SEO" appears many times on a page (high TF), but it's common on many sites (low IDF), the word might not stand out.

  • If a unique keyword like "SEO tool" appears often on your page, and not much on other sites, it could be a strong focus word for that page.

Using TF-IDF, you can optimize content by balancing common and rare words for better search rankings.