HomeData Processing Addenum

Data Processing Addenum

This Data Processing Addendum (“DPA”) is an integral part of the Terms of Service (“Agreement”) between vevy.ai Inc. (“Company”) and its users (“Users”) for the use of the services provided through the website vevy.ai (“Website”).

Last Updated: [June 30, 2024]

1. Introduction

  1. This DPA sets out the terms governing the processing of personal data on behalf of Users by the Company as a Data Processor in connection with the provision of services through the Website.
  2. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Agreement.

2. Data Processing

  1. In the course of providing the services, the Company may process certain personal data on behalf of Users. The types of personal data, categories of data subjects, and purposes of processing are outlined in the Privacy Policy available on the Website.
  2. The Company shall process personal data only as necessary for the performance of the Agreement and in accordance with the documented instructions of Users. Any additional or alternative processing shall require prior written instructions from Users

3. Security Measures

The Company shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data processed. These measures shall be designed to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage.

4. Data Transfers

The Company may transfer personal data to third-party subprocessors (including but not limited to Segment, Intercom, Mixpanel, Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok) for the purpose of providing the services. The Company shall ensure that such subprocessors are bound by data protection obligations consistent with those set out in this DPA.

5. Subprocessing and Authorization

By agreeing to this DPA, Users provide a general authorization for the Company to engage subprocessors. The Company shall notify Users of any intended changes concerning the addition or replacement of subprocessors, giving Users the opportunity to object.

6. Data Subject Rights and Assistance

The Company shall assist Users in fulfilling their obligations to respond to data subject requests exercising their rights under applicable data protection laws, including the right to access, rectify, erase, restrict processing, and data portability.

7. Data Breach Notification

In the event of a personal data breach, the Company shall notify Users without undue delay and provide all necessary information to assist Users in meeting their regulatory obligations, including notifying the competent supervisory authority where required.

8. Duration and Termination

This DPA shall remain in effect for the duration of the Agreement between the Company and Users.

  1. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This DPA shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Your Country]. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this DPA shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Your Jurisdiction].

By using the services provided by the Company through the Website, Users acknowledge and agree to the terms set out in this Data Processing Addendum.

Third-Party Subprocessors List and Data Processing Agreement

This document (“Document”) outlines the third-party subprocessors that vevy.ai Inc. (“Company,” “We,” “Us,” or “Our”) engages to process certain data on behalf of our users (“You” or “Your”). By using our services, you acknowledge and agree to the engagement of these third-party subprocessors as outlined below. This document is part of our Data Processing Agreement and complements our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

1. Overview

The services provided by the Company may involve the use of various third-party subprocessors to assist in data processing activities, including but not limited to data analytics, customer engagement, and advertising.

2. List of Third-Party Subprocessors

The following is a list of third-party subprocessors that we engage for specific data processing activities:

  • Segment – Data analytics and user behavior tracking
  • Intercom – Customer engagement and communication
  • Mixpanel – Data analytics and user behavior tracking
  • Google Ads – Advertising and marketing
  • Google Analytics – Website traffic analysis and insights
  • Google Tag Manager – Tag management and data integration
  • Facebook – Advertising and social media engagement

3. Purpose of Engagement

These third-party subprocessors are engaged to assist us in providing you with improved services, personalized experiences, and relevant marketing communications.

4. Data Processing Agreement

Our engagement of these third-party subprocessors is governed by our Data Processing Agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions under which they process data on our behalf.

5. Security and Compliance

We take data security and compliance seriously. Therefore, we ensure that these subprocessors comply with applicable data protection laws and adhere to industry-standard security measures to protect the data they process.

6. Your Consent

By using our services, you provide your consent to engage these third-party subprocessors as detailed in this Document, our Privacy Policy, and our Data Processing Agreement.

7. Updates

This list of third-party subprocessors is subject to change as our business evolves. We will update this list accordingly and provide you with notice of any significant changes.

8. Contact information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our third-party subprocessors or data processing activities, please contact us at [email protected].

vevy.ai Inc. 2810 N Church St PMB 48572 Wilmington, Delaware 19802-4447 US

Last Updated: [June 30, 2024]

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